***Price increase effective January 1, 2025***

UV Filters

EUV Filters

X-ray Filters

Ultrathin Foils

Thin Films

Be Windows

Foils of the Month

A thin film laboratory,

        that solves problems

                with versatility and creativity

Thank you for looking to Lebow Company for your ultrathin foil and specialty thin film requirements.

UHV sandwich rings available from 5mm to 40mm.  The mounting ring is vacuum baked and entirely organic-free.

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Ultrathin Foil

Lebow foils are a unique product. X-ray filters and windows, ultraviolet filters and photo cathodes, beam strippers, alpha backscatter substrates, x-ray laser and particle beam targets are made of the thinnest totally unsupported foils (0.02-25µ) ever offered as standard products. Applications of ultrathin metal foils are rapidly expanding in both research and laboratory instruments. Numerous users routinely depend on Lebow Company for substantial quantities of our ultrathin foil, so thin its production was, until now, in itself, a major undertaking.

Our web catalog is an attempt to minimize the difficulty in designing ultrathin foils into your experiments or instruments. To aid in designing your ultrathin foils, the best transmission data we have found is available on the Advanced Synchrotron Light web site at University of California Berkeley:


Our experience in producing many hundreds of ultrathin foils per year, for over twenty years, assures our customers worldwide of on time delivery of top quality, as specified, ultrathin foil. Our ultrathin foils (as large as 10cm diameter) have also been successfully used in orbital and sounding rocket payloads. Choose a Lebow ultrathin foil from our web catalogue and concentrate on its successful application.

This web catalogue covers single-layer foils of Aluminum (Al), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Beryllium (Be), Boron (B), Carbon (C), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Germanium (Ge), Gold (Au), Hafnium (Hf), Indium (In), Iron (Fe), Kapton®, Lead (Pb), Lithium Fluoride (LiF), Magnesium (Mg), Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2), Molybdenum (Mo), Mylar® (PET), Nickel (Ni), Niobium (Nb), Parylene N® (-C8H8-), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Silicon (Si), Silicon Dioxide (Si02), Silver (Ag), Tantalum  (Ta),  Teflon®   (-CF2CF2-), Tin (Sn), Titanium (Ti), Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), Tungsten (W), Vanadium (V), Zinc (Zn), and Zirconium (Zr) up to 25µ thick (0.001 inch), on most frame sizes and shapes. Backings of mesh or Parylene® are available but, excepting Mg, Pb, Zn and fluorides, not necessary. In addition, most materials can be combined as multi-layer ultrathin foils, and linear arrays of several materials can be built up along slits for multichannel discrimination. Using a carbon or Parylene-N® backing, ultrathin foil of metal or compounds can be made in any thickness from only a few atomic layers up. Please contact us for pricing on these products.  

In addition to finished ultrathin foil products (filters, targets and windows), Lebow Company offers unmounted ultrathin foil from 2.0-25µ (0.00008-0.001 inch) thick. Unmounted foil of Aluminum (Al), Beryllium (Be), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Gold (Au), Indium (In), Iron (Fe), Kapton®, Lead (Pb), Magnesium (Mg), Molybdenum (Mo), Mylar®, Nickel (Ni), Niobium (Nb), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Silver (Ag), Tantalum (Ta), Teflon®, Tin (Sn), Titanium (Ti), Tungsten (W), Vanadium (V), Zinc (Zn), and Zirconium (Zr) is supplied cut to any required size up to 100mm x 100mm (4×4 inches). Be foil 5.0-25µ thick and vacuum tight Be 7.5-25µ thick are particular specialties. This foil, rolled of 99.8% Be to ±10% thickness tolerances, opens a unique window into experiments and instruments. Lebow Company also rolls foil to “odd number” thicknesses up to 1mm (0.04 in.) and cuts foil into any required size or diameter. We are sorry we supply only small quantities for research and instruments.  We do not supply coils or roll any alloy foil.


Lebow Company offers unique ultrathin foil metrology capabilities including an alpha spectrometer, microbalance, foil ultra micrometer and optical densitometer to support our foil production. We can supply filters and targets with individually measured light transmission (pinholes), unit weight, mechanical or alpha particle thickness.

Ultrathin metal foils are usually made to order and are shipped, individually packed in plastic tubes or boxes, throughout the world, without difficulty. Ultrathin foil and ultrathin foil assemblies are often inventoried for “just in time” delivery to meet the needs of instrument makers. We maintain an inventory of over 1,000 commonly used foils, stored under dry nitrogen, often shipping these, mounted on the standard ring of your choice, in only a few days.

The production of ultrathin metal foils is an evolving art and this only catches it at a moment in time. Our capabilities are constantly expanding and we welcome the difficult and the unusual. We are always seeking new and challenging projects. If any question whatsoever exists in your mind as to the availability of any foil, even if the material is not in this catalogue, please contact us.

About Lebow Company

Over the past 40 years Lebow Company has acquired a wide range of experience with all types of thin films and deposition equipment. This experience can be applied in complete confidence and at modest cost to your thin film problem. Lebow Company does not sell equipment; therefore we can offer unbiased suggestions and specifications for facilities development and equipment purchase. Our consulting encompasses laboratory studies, process development, and thin film tooling design. We offer in-plant consulting to attack complex problems in thin film production, and personnel training in thin film technology.

Founded in 1973 and located within sight of the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California, Lebow Company is a thin film laboratory specializing in ultrathin metal foil. We have made over 10,000 depositions of films of almost every imaginable material. As the recipient of two IR-100 awards we have lead in the development of ultrathin metal foil XUV filters. We offered the first ultrathin beryllium foil and published the world’s first ultrathin foil catalogue. This technological leadership has continued with the development of chromium foil, unbacked oxide foils, ROSAT beryllium filters and, most recently, multilayer micro-wire targets. The staff of Lebow Company wrote the thin film physics and evaporation sections of The Handbook of Thin Film Process Technology (Institute of Physics, Bristol, U.K., 1995) and has published numerous technical papers. As a thank you to the thin film community, we compile and distribute, without charge, the Lebow Databook, the definitive source of evaporation technology data.

As a unique thin film laboratory we work with the smallest as well as the largest users of thin films and foils. We look forward to working with you.